
Bee Kind to the Bees

I wanted to do something to kick off some Earth Week festivities (last year it was Johnny Appleseed) and a friend suggested I visit a local bee farm and find out why bees are so important to the planet. I was pretty sure this would be interesting to little ones, and I knew it would…

St. Patrick’s Day and Leprechauns

I have just enough Irish in my background to make St. Patrick’s Day real to me. I wanted to do a fun colorful episode, so St. Pat’s was the way to go. It turns out that I didn’t have a lot of relevant items around the house, so it was fun to shop a bit…

Let’s Play at the Playground!

Now that playgrounds are opening back up, the weather is improving, and our last GG Sprinkles episode was a pretty serious one, we decided to visit several playgrounds. And I couldn’t wait to try out the swings and slides. We played for a couple of hours, acquiring footage that we could piece together for an…

What Does Beautiful Mean?

This is a touchy topic, or it can be. I decided to tackle this two ways. First, we focused on the fact that what one person considers beautiful, another might not. In other words, what’s beautiful to you may not be beautiful to me. Second, we illustrated that good-looking people may not automatically be nice…

Collector Kids

I was one of these, a collector kid. I still am. As a kid I collected rocks, and, once in awhile, tiny frogs (although I found out you have to feed them bugs instead of grass). Eventually my collecting pretty much centered on rocks. But collecting rocks is actually a fairly common hobby, and not…

Counting on One Another

I like to find topics for GG Sprinkles and, thus, my poetry that can extend into a gentle lesson beyond the simpler idea. I had already decided to do an episode on counting and simple math, and that led me to explore the origin of the phrase ‘count on me.’ I have a toy that…

There Really Is No Place Like Home (Good Thing, Too)

For almost a year now the pandemic has kept most of us close to home at one time or another. Or maybe multiple times, since it surges and then settles down and surges again. I’m aware that homes all over the world and even in our own neighborhoods undoubtedly vary widely in form, color and…

Everyone Has a Story—No Matter Our Age

When I taught sophomore English, it was inevitable that my students would end up writing an essay about themselves. Those were usually their favorites since we all write best about what we know, and most of us know ourselves pretty well. With the GG Sprinkles episodes, I tend to often think about things that kids…

Make Christmas as Merry as Possible

Our last episode was about Hanukkah, and as is the case with many of our topics, I learned so much about this one. In fact, I was embarrassed that I knew so little up to that point, and I was so impressed with what I learned about the beautiful Festival of Lights. I was on…

Let It Snow!

We teachers love snow. We can’t drive in it very well since we generally don’t have to, but it gives us the occasional, glorious day off. Usually by the time it snows we’re ready for one of those. So being a big fan of snow, it seemed a natural topic for GG Sprinkles to do.…


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